



A.  The plan of God for the Church Age reverses the trend of history. This happens only where some form of leadership determines the course of history in the Church Age. But behind every great man there is a pivot of mature believers.


B.  The course of history in the Church Age is determined by the attitude of the believer toward Bible doctrine. No great person or leader or group can make decisions based on honor and virtue without the backing of that pivot of mature believers.


C.  Democracy is the lowest form of government with the least amount of responsibility, and with almost a total lack of stability and integrity. Democracy is evil because it gives a maximum amount of scum a say in the government. Scum are the least qualified to shape and form policy.


D.  But believers are from all callings in life, both humble origin and inferior ability, but are not classified as scum, except when they prolong their stay in the cosmic system. The mission of the royal family is to determine the course of history by their attitude toward Bible doctrine and the plan of God as it relates to the divine dynasphere. Jesus Christ has delegated some control of history to the believer with Bible doctrine.


E.  Your attitude toward doctrine produces prosperity and blessing for the nation. Believers are the watchdogs of freedom. Election is the doctrine of privilege in time, to be a part of the classless society of believers who determine historical impact.


F.  Believers are composed of every class of society, with the majority coming from the lower classes, as per 1 Cor 1:23-31.

            1. Verse 23, “but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block, and to the Gentiles foolishness,” Gentile client nation’s can have many races and religions, but only one culture.

            2. Verse 24, “but to those who are elected to privilege, both Jews and Greeks, Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God.” You have the privilege of determining the uptrend or downtrend of history.

            3. Verse 25, “Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.”   You have no personal plans or desires which compare with God’s plan for your life.

            4. Verse 26, “Consider your election, that there are not many wise according to human standards, not many with ability, not many aristocrats.” Most believers come from the lower classes. What you were before you were saved is no issue.

            5. Verse 27, “But God has elected to privilege the foolish persons [morons] of this world, that He might shame the wise, and God has elected the weak things of the world, that He might put to shame the superior persons.” God has taken the foolish believers and weak believers who are positive to Bible doctrine and determined that they will control the outcome of history and will rule in the Millennium.

            6. Verse 28, “and the low born of the world and those who are scum God has elected, the ones that are nothing that He might nullify the ones that are.” God doesn’t use many mighty believers to control the world, but the below average person who loves doctrine. What you were before being born again is of no consequence after regeneration.

            7. Verse 29-30, “in order that no one should be arrogant in the presence of God. Therefore from Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and [imputed] righteousness and sanctification and redemption.”

            8. Verse 31, “in order that just as it stands written, `Let him who keeps on glorifying, be glorifying in the Lord.’” As goes the believer, so goes freedom and prosperity in the client nation.



 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
